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For Individuals

  • Master your interviewing skills and land your dream job with a monthly membership of only $29
  • Plan ahead for success and save with our 3 month membership for $69
  • Save even more for your bright future with our 6 month plan at only $119

Start Practicing Now!

Video Interview Practice

How It Works

Select an Interview

Select an interview, you will be asked a question, your response will be recorded. At the end of the interview you will be able to review your recorded responses and view analysis StandOut has recorded.

Feel Confident

StandOut will help you feel more confident, provide you with the skills you need to feel like your most successful self.

Access Everywhere

Available on all major devices and browsers.

young woman using computer at office

Video Interview Preparation

Did you know
  • Most positions receive over 250 applications while only 2% of applicants make it through to the interview stage.
  • A better performance during an interview leads to a higher salary offer.
  • Remote job opportunities are skyrocketing (so being comfortable on video calls is vital!)
  • On average, a person will have three interviews with a company before being offered the job


Learn how to answer succinctly and efficiently. Watch yourself back to see how you present yourself to future employers.


Track your progress to gain insights on what is working and what you need to improve to be as successful as possible


Use the skills you have mastered with StandOut to show confidence and land the job

The world is changing

The last year has opened more opportunities for remote work. Practicing video interviewing gives applicants the ability to practice what that is actually like, and how to present themselves professionally in a virtual work setting.

Get Started Now


Individual Users


Begin today for just: $29 Sign Up Now

3 Months

Invest in your future: $69 $87 Sign Up Now
Best Savings

6 Months

Commit to success and save: $119 $174 Sign Up Now


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